Friday, December 30

A whole day lost

Living is easy with eyes closed.
--a line from Strawberry Fields, I believe, tattooed on Charlie’s (Dominic Monaghan) arm in LOST

Ahh I love the unexamined life, it’s simply more fun :) But no party lasts forever, and the longer it runs the more mess there will be to clear in the morning… Like this morning, fer instance. Stayed up half the night watching Season 1 of Lost (marathon itoh!) Now am pretty much no good for the rest of the day, except for lounging on the couch and finishing the rest of the season, naturally :) Had no idea watching Lost was so fun! Caught 2 episodes of the series on AXN the other day, after that I was, well, lost ;P

Am putting off doing the laundry yet again—bukas na lang ulit.


“Being an imposter was not the problem. He liked being an imposter. He was good at it. It fitted in with his plans, which were fairly simple and could until now have been summarised more or less as: (a) go somewhere; (b) enjoy yourself; and (c) leave before you get bored… Only he didn’t want to go. He was having second thoughts about all this… Normally he didn't even have first thoughts about things. Life without thinking had been perfectly pleasant—instinct, impulse, and an obscene amount of luck had served him quite well up to now.”

--from Neil Gaiman’s ANANSI BOYS

Finished reading Anansi Boys the other day—those are a few nice lines from the novel. I identify most with the Spider character as we seem to share the same philosophy in life. He's the type of person who'd relate more to the Grasshopper than the Ant, the Hare rather than the Tortoise. That is to say, he enjoys what he can of life and doesn't think of himself as a victim. You gotta act or be acted upon.

Monday, December 26

First time

Blogging on my own for the first time, so am taking baby steps. I have no idea what to do with this space, but as usual I'm just diving in. To learn how to swim, first get wet!